Welcome to Dundee Township!

Looking Forward to Seeing You!

The Dundee Township Visitor's Center (a.k.a. The Depot) is open, thanks to generous support by the Village of East Dundee and you--our visitors! Stop by and say hi, and don't miss our outdoor Depot Market every Saturday mid May-October from 8 a.m.-2 p.m.! 

Depot Hours:
Wed.-Sun. 10 a.m.-2 p.m. (extended hours coming soon!)
Restrooms are open every day from sunrise to sunset.

 Be sure to visit our Facebook page for current news, photos and results of our annual Largest Tomato and Great Pumpkin contests. Shop local, and see you soon!

Booth fees from our market support the Depot and allow us to keep the doors open, so shop early and often!

About the Depot
Situated right next to the Fox River Bike Trail, the Depot is a popular rest stop for bike trail users in need of snacks, beverages or a water bottle fill up. We also sell Dundee-themed merchandise, including local history books, and we've got plenty of area information about restaurants, attractions and the 60-mile bike trail.